ralph stilton sister

Ralph S. Mouse, as some of you may or may not know, is the star of a series of stories written by Beverly Clearly a few decades ago, most notably in The Mouse and the Motorcycle, which is further referenced by Ralph using a motorcycle to get around. Leonard Ralph Stilton.

January 8, 1933 - February 21, 2007 Oakwood, Virginia

Stefani Stilton (voiced by Kimiko Glenn) – Ralph Stilton's sister, also a mouse.
During season 6, she sells Girl Croosh to Whitewhale Enterprises. Probably by publicly criticizing him and jeopardizing his chance at governor.

It's interesting that Ralph Stilton's sister knew she could play into her ego, cause what Bojack said about Diane is true; she really does think she's better than everyone else in some ways.

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She hires Diane at the end of season 3 to write for her new feminist viral blog "Girl Croosh". I'm not sure what he'll become, but I bet Diane is gonna be the one to fuck up. Stefani Stilton.


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